exonum package

Module Contents


exonum_client.client module

exonum_client.crypto module

Module with the Common Cryptography-assotiated Utils.

This module uses libsodium as a backend.

class Hash(hash_bytes: bytes)

Representation of a SHA-256 hash.

classmethod hash_data(data: Optional[bytes]) → exonum_client.crypto.Hash

Calculates a hash of the provided bytes sequence and returns a Hash object.

If None is provided, a hash of the empty sequence will be returned.

class KeyPair(public_key: exonum_client.crypto.PublicKey, secret_key: exonum_client.crypto.SecretKey)

Representation of a Ed25519 keypair.

classmethod generate() → exonum_client.crypto.KeyPair

Generates a new random keypair

class PublicKey(key: bytes)

Representation of a Ed25519 Public Key.

class SecretKey(key: bytes)

Representation of a Ed25519 Secret Key.

class Signature(signature: bytes)

Representation of a Ed25519 signature

classmethod sign(data: bytes, key: exonum_client.crypto.SecretKey) → exonum_client.crypto.Signature

Signs the provided bytes sequence with the provided secret key.

verify(data: bytes, key: exonum_client.crypto.PublicKey) → bool

Verifies the signature against the provided data and the public key.

exonum_client.message module

This module is capable of creating and signing Exonum transactions.

class ExonumMessage(instance_id: int, message_id: int, msg: google.protobuf.message.Message, prebuilt: Optional[bytes] = None)

Generic Exonum transaction class.

Exonum message can be created:
  • by using MessageGenerator (if you want to send a transaction to the Exonum blockchain)

  • by using ExonumMessage.from_hex (if you want to parse a retrieved transaction).

Example workflow:

Sending a message:

>>> instance_id = ... # Get the ID of the desired service instance.
>>> artifact_name = ... # Get the name of the artifact (not the instance).
>>> cryptocurrency_message_generator = MessageGenerator(instance_id, artifact_name) # Create a message generator.
>>> create_wallet_alice = cryptocurrency_module.CreateWallet() # Create a Protobuf message.
>>> create_wallet_alice.name = "Alice1" # Fill the Protobuf message manually.
>>> create_wallet_alice_tx = cryptocurrency_message_generator.create_message(create_wallet_alice)
>>> create_wallet_alice_tx.sign(keypair) # You should sign the message before sending.
>>> client.public_api.send_transaction(create_wallet_alice_tx)

Parsing a message:

>>> message_hex = ... # Retrieve the message as a hexadecimal string.
>>> artifact_name = ... # Get the name of the artifact (not the instance).
>>> transaction_name = "CreateWallet" # Get the name of the transaction.
>>> parsed_message = ExonumMessage.from_hex(message_hex, artifact_name, transaction_name)
>>> assert parsed_message.validate() # Verify the signature of the retrieved message.

Other methods: >>> message = ExonumMessage.from_hex(…) >>> author = message.author() # Get the author’s public key. >>> tx_hash = message.hash() # Get the transaction hash. >>> signature = message.signature() # Get the transaction signature. >>> any_tx_raw = message.any_tx_raw() # Get AnyTx of the message serialized to bytes. >>> signed_tx_raw = message.signed_tx_raw() # Get SignedMessage of the message serialized to bytes. >>> tx_json = message.pack_into_json() # Create a JSON with the transaction in the format expected by Exonum.

__init__(instance_id: int, message_id: int, msg: google.protobuf.message.Message, prebuilt: Optional[bytes] = None)

Exonum message constructor. It is not intended to be used directly, see MessageGenerator.create_message and ExonumMessage.from_hex instead.

any_tx_raw() → bytes

Returns a serialized AnyTx message as bytes.

author() → Optional[exonum_client.crypto.PublicKey]

Returns an author’s public key. If the author is not set, returns None.

classmethod from_hex(message_hex: str, artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str, tx_name: str) → Optional[exonum_client.message.ExonumMessage]

Attempts to parse an Exonum message from a serialized hexadecimal string.

  • message_hex (str) – Serialized message as a hexadecimal string.

  • artifact_name (str) – The name of the service artifact you want to communicate with, e.g. ‘exonum-cryptocurrency-advanced’.

  • artifact_version (str) – Version of artifact as string, e.g. ‘1.0.0’.

  • tx_name (str) – The name of the transaction to be parsed, e.g. ‘CreateWallet’.


parsed_message – If parsing is successfull, an ExonumMessage object is returned. Otherwise the returned value is None.

Return type


hash() → exonum_client.crypto.Hash

Returns a hash of the message. If the message is not signed, a hash of an empty message will be returned.

pack_into_json() → str

Packs a serialized signed message into the JSON format expected by Exonum.

Please note that this method does not serialize the message to JSON.


json_message – String with a JSON representation of the serialized message.

Return type



RuntimeError – An error will be raised on attempt to call pack_into_json with an unsigned message.

sign(keys: exonum_client.crypto.KeyPair) → None

Signs the message with the provided pair of keys.

Please note that signing is required before sending a message to the Exonum blockchain.


keys (exonum.crypto.KeyPair) – A pair of public_key and secret_key as bytes.

signature() → Optional[exonum_client.crypto.Signature]

Returns a signature. If the message is not signed, returns None.

signed_raw() → Optional[bytes]

Returns a serialized SignedMessage as bytes. If the message is not signed, returns None.

validate() → bool

Validates the message. Checks if the transaction signature is correct. :return: bool

class MessageGenerator(instance_id: int, artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str)

MessageGenerator is a class which helps you create transactions. It is capable of transforming a Protobuf message object into an Exonum transaction with a set of the required metadata.

Example of usage: >>> instance_id = … # Get the ID of the desired service instance. >>> artifact_name = … # Get the name of the artifact (not the instance). >>> artifact_version = … # Get the version of the artifact (not the instance). >>> cryptocurrency_message_generator = MessageGenerator(instance_id, artifact_name, artifact_version) >>> create_wallet_alice = cryptocurrency_message_generator.CreateWallet() # Create a Protobuf message. >>> create_wallet_alice.name = “Alice1” # Fill the Protobuf message manually.

Then you can transform the Protobuf message into an Exonum transaction.

>>> create_wallet_alice_tx = cryptocurrency_message_generator.create_message(create_wallet_alice)
>>> create_wallet_alice_tx.sign(keypair) # You should sign the message before sending.
>>> client.public_api.send_transaction(create_wallet_alice_tx)
__init__(instance_id: int, artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str)

MessageGenerator constructor.

  • instance_id (int) – ID of the desired Exonum service instance.

  • artifact_name (str) – The name of the service artifact you want to communicate with. The name should be in the format provided by Exonum, like ‘exonum-cryptocurrency-advanced:1.0.0’.

create_message(message: google.protobuf.message.Message) → exonum_client.message.ExonumMessage

Method to convert a Protobuf message into an Exonum message.


message (google.protobuf.message.Message) – A Protobuf message.


exonum_message – Exonum message object.

Return type


static pk_to_hash_address(public_key: exonum_client.crypto.PublicKey) → Optional[exonum_client.crypto.Hash]

Converts PublicKey into a Hash, which is a uniform presentation of any transaction authorization supported by Exonum.

exonum_client.module_manager module

Module capable of loading the Protobuf-generated modules.

class ModuleManager

ModuleManager class provides an interface for importing modules generated from the previously downloaded Protobuf sources.

It is supposed that you call those methods only after downloading the corresponding module via ProtobufLoader. Otherwise an error will be raised.

Example usage:

>>> with client.protobuf_loader() as loader:
>>>     loader.load_main_proto_files()
>>>     loader.load_service_proto_files(0, "exonum-supervisor", "1.0.0")
>>>     blockchanin_module = ModuleManager.import_main_module("exonum.blockchain")
>>>     auth_module = ModuleManager.import_main_module("exonum.runtime.auth")
>>>     service_module = ModuleManager.import_service_module("exonum-supervisor", "1.0.0", "service")
static import_main_module(module_name: str) → Any

Imports the main (used by the Exonum core) module, e.g. “consensus”, “runtime”, etc.

static import_service_module(artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str, module_name: str) → Any

Imports the service (corresponding to some artifact) module.

exonum_client.protobuf_loader module

Module Containing the ProtobufLoader Class.

ProtobufLoader is capable of downloading Protobuf sources from Exonum.

class ProtoFile

Structure that represents a proto file.

property content

Alias for field number 1

property name

Alias for field number 0

class ProtobufLoader(client: Optional[exonum_client.protobuf_loader.ProtobufProviderInterface] = None)

ProtobufLoader is a class capable of loading and compiling Protobuf sources from Exonum.

This class is a Singleton, meaning that only one entity of that class is created at a time.

Example workflow:

>>> with client.protobuf_loader() as loader:
>>>    loader.load_main_proto_files()
>>>    loader.load_service_proto_files(0, "exonum-supervisor", "1.0.0")

Code above will initialize loader, download core Exonum proto files and proto files for the Supervisor service. The code will compile the files into the Python modules. After that you will be able to load those modules via ModuleManager.

Please note that it is recommended to create a ProtobufLoader object via the context manager. Otherwise you will have to call initialize and deinitialize methods manually:

>>> loader = client.protobuf_loader()
>>> loader.initialize()
>>> ... # Some code
>>> loader.deinitialize()

If you forget to call deinitialize (or if the code exits earlier, for example because of unhandled exception), the recourses created in the temp folder (which may differ depending on your OS) will not be removed.

Creating more than one entity at a time will result in retrieving the same object:

>>> with client.protobuf_loader() as loader_1:
>>>     with client.protobuf_loader() as loader_2:
>>>         assert loader_1 == loader_2

This may be useful if you have several modules that should work with ProtobufLoader:

>>> # main.py
>>> loader = ProtobufLoader(client)
>>> loader.initialize()
>>> loader.load_main_proto_files()
>>> ...
>>> loader.deinitialize()
>>> # module_a.py
>>> loader = ProtobufLoader() # Since loader is already initialized with the client, you do not have to provide it.
>>> loader.load_service_proto_files(runtime_a, service_a, service_a_version)
>>> # module_b.py
>>> loader = ProtobufLoader()
>>> loader.load_service_proto_files(runtime_b, service_b, service_b_version)

However, if you try to create the second loader, different from the first one, from the client, ValueError will be raised.

deinitialize() → None

Performs a deinitialization process.

initialize() → None

Performs an initialization process.

load_main_proto_files() → None

Loads and compiles the main Exonum proto files.

load_service_proto_files(runtime_id: int, artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str) → None

Loads and compiles proto files for a service.

class ProtobufProviderInterface

Interface for Protobuf sources provider.

get_main_proto_sources() → List[exonum_client.protobuf_loader.ProtoFile]

Gets the Exonum core proto sources.

get_proto_sources_for_artifact(runtime_id: int, artifact_name: str, artifact_version: str) → List[exonum_client.protobuf_loader.ProtoFile]

Gets the Exonum core proto sources.